¬Ý’ÄúThe followers of the great and wonderful Abbey shall remember the following as they live their lives on the island that the Earth Mother hath blessed them with: all shall remember that the Great Tree is part of the beloved Earth Mother and in order to be blessed by her presence and mercy all must respect the Tree and love it as they love their own flesh. You followers of the Earth Mother, mind the Earth and care for it so that it may in turn the Earth Mother may bless you through it. Take not that which does not belong to you and do not seek after that which is another’Äôs. Speak true for the Earth Mother has not lied to us, nor will she. Do not kill one another for that would be to kill a part of the Earth Mother as we are all descended from her. Know that since the Earth Mother has endowed women with a greater capacity for reason that a women shall lead. Remember that we were given life for a reason and embrace the fact that you are a human. We are all loved by the Earth Mother just as we are. Do not be ashamed of whatever it is that you are. All are welcome here, respect the humanity and ways of others as you would expect them to respect yours. Be not quick to anger but be reasonable with all that you encounter for Abbey hath given us the sacred herb to help us in this task. Waste not what the Earth Mother hath given us. All shall try to carry these out as best as they can and the Earth Mother will be pleased by the life and creation that she hath created and can now view with pride.’Äù
-Excerpt from the first recorded recitation of the Code of the Earth Mother
The following is taken from the Field notes of Ethnographer James Jones:¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý
The ethics that are present in the Code of the Earth Mother and to a larger practical extent in Original Survivordom are consistent with a view of the Earth as sacred and something to be taken care of while others are viewed as fellow children of the Earth Mother and treated as equals. Women since blessed by the Earth Mother without the need to think with their genitalia and therefore much more reasonable are in charge with men being slightly below them. This is in keeping with the Earth Mother’Äôs desire for her followers to be calm and reasonable when dealing with each other. Men are not degraded they are merely not in a position where they could put others in danger because they are thinking with the wrong part of their body. The admonitions that are included in the Code of the Earth Mother against stealing, coveting, lying, and murdering are present so that the island will not dissolve into a place of chaos and anarchy. The Earth Mother desires peace and tranquility on her island and for her children, so chaos and anarchy are something to be avoided lest the Earth Mother become angry and decide to teach those on the island another lesson like that of the drought. Humanity and the human nature, since it was created from the Earth Mother and is therefore part of her, are to be respected and held in high regard. The tree is seen as part of the Earth Mother and the connection between the Earth Mother and the Earth so it is valued highly and protected from anything that might cause it harm. The sacrifice of men is used to appease the earth mother and to make rejuvenate the tree so that it will go strong and supply the people with what they need. ¬ÝThe smoking and inhalation of marijuana by the members is celebrated just like smoking was celebrated in Native American culture. In Survivordom it is seen as bringing the member into contact with the Earth Mother and it is seen to heighten the worldly experience that was a gift from the Earth Mother as was the herb. Sex is seen in a similar light. Sex is the ultimate celebration of the gift of life that was given by the Earth Mother and since it is the creation of life it is to be celebrated and is seen as something that is ancient and sacred. While most are loyal to their spouses after they are married it is not uncommon to have many partners before a lifelong partner is found. Survivordom is an early precursor to utilitarianism and is the original and purest religion.