看看 看In our religion the whole purpose is to become one with natural. 看Through our ritual experiences one is to feel a molding of the mind into something higher than themselves. 看They are to become part of the earth through smoking what the Earth Mother has provided with us, being as pure as we can through nudity, and depending on the Tree of Life for everything we need. 看 To gain an ultimate experience with the Earth Mother one must have a mystical experience and gain this individualy through being in the sky box or inside their own cabin.
Purity is the main focus that one will hope to obtain through our dress and rituals. 看The sacrifice of men and the drinking of the pure water that flows from the tree of life give us all that we need allowing us to think of the simple things in life and make the Earth Mother happy with our earthly deeds. 看We obtain the connection individually, as previously stated, but through communion in our rituals we feel a connection with others and their connection to the earth. Within this experience we have all become one with each other ultimately becoming one with the earth. 看
Another experiential feeling that we can obtain from our religion is that of an Oceanic experience. 看In an oceanic experience, you can say either the dewdrop has become the ocean, or you can say the ocean has become the dewdrop. It is the greatest experience there is. 看This experience is the number one feeling that we wish for others to obtain. 看The whole purpose of purity is to fully mold your mind into something that is beyond yourself, something that is pure, and the only thing within the world that is totally pure and remains completely pure throughout life is, the earth. 看We must mold ourselves to become like the earth in everything that we do so that one day we have this oceanic feeling. We become fully one with nature and our mind becomes completely pure, relaxed, and lifted. 看We connect with Mother Earth, we connect with everyone that is gaining the same experience, and we connect with everything that the earth provides us. 看We become the dirt in which we lay upon, the sky in which put a roof over our heads. 看We are then free from all worldly matters and become wrapped up in peace. 看 This experience is a prayer without words.
The experience of the Scarified- When one is sacrificed they are reborn into the Earth. 看They reach the ultimate connection to Mother Earth through partaking in the smoking of the plant that she provides. 看Also, one will partake in the ultimate ecstasy through reproductive acts. 看This is the closest one can become with the earth before sacrifice because; through sexual rituals one is reproducing much like life on earth. Once the sacrificed has reached this point and then became completely one with the earth, his blood will flow within the Tree of Life giving the tree life. 看