Setting the Virtual Stage

“We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet.”
—Margaret Mead

Step1 — M Jan 26 
ReadBoellstorff, Chapter 1, The Subject And Scope of the This Inquiry, 3-31 (Reader Response1)
— Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash, 1-35 (Reader Response2)
— Itís Easter; shall we gather at the desktops?
Write — Fieldnotes0 from Lab0

Step2 — W Jan 28
Read: Campbell, Chapter 1, “Understanding the Internet and Cyberspace, “1-24" (Reader Response3)
Read: Smart “Introduction, “ 1-10 (Reader Response4)

Lab1— W Jan 30 Making Me (Meet in-world, at Wisdom’s Sandbox)

How to fill out profile.

How to take a Snapshot.


How to fill out your profile? (learn more)